Showing Your Oklahoma Show Steer: Handling Tips for a Safe and Successful Experience

When it comes to showing your Oklahoma show steer in competition, there are certain handling considerations that you should keep in mind. It is essential to understand how your animal might act in different situations, so that you can make livestock fairs safer for everyone involved. A great starting point is to keep the steer or heifer calm during the show. The steer or heifer may be quiet at home in a familiar environment, but they can become anxious when taken to a different place with new and strange sounds, such as the county fairgrounds.

To work safely with your ox or heifer, you must have a basic knowledge of animal behavior in general and of the behavior patterns of beef animals in particular. Steers and heifers that are handled smoothly and silently will have smaller flight zones and will be easier to manage than animals that have been handled abruptly. It is also important to never “scare” your animal nor scratch them hard. This won't relax them, but it will make them scared. After scratching the animal, place your feet in the proper position.

Talk to members of your project group about how to stay safe when working with the steer or heifer from the show. By understanding how your animal might act in different situations, you can use that knowledge to help make livestock fairs safer for everyone, both for the exhibitors and for the people watching the fair. If your heifer or heifer has a bad experience loading it onto a trailer for the first time, it can be difficult to reload it. Therefore, it is important to take all necessary precautions when handling your Oklahoma show steer. When preparing for a show, it is important to practice handling techniques with your steer or heifer before the event. This will help them become accustomed to being handled and will make them more comfortable during the show.

You should also practice leading your steer or heifer around obstacles such as gates and fences. This will help them become more confident when navigating unfamiliar terrain. It is also important to remember that steers and heifers are herd animals and they may become agitated if they are separated from their herdmates. If possible, try to keep your steer or heifer with other animals from their herd during shows. This will help them feel more secure and less likely to become agitated. Finally, it is important to remember that steers and heifers are sensitive animals and they need to be treated with respect.

Be sure to handle them gently and calmly at all times. If you take these steps, you can ensure that your Oklahoma show steer has a safe and successful experience.

Amanda Endres
Amanda Endres

Passionate food guru. Incurable coffee expert. General twitter nerd. Certified coffee ninja. Incurable music advocate.

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